If you are interested in working with me please use the form submission below to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. If you have a specific question, you can also email me directly at jenna@psychotherapywithjenna.com. I look forward to connecting!

full name



i'm interested in:

Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Clinical Supervision

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Inquire About an Online Session

Thank you for being interested in a session with me. Can't  wait to get you started in this journey. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response, thank you!


"I've worked with Jenna for nearly two years now, and I'd struggle to relate all the ups and downs Jenna has helped me through and helped me learn from over that time. As there's too much, let's sum up: "Therapy is the most important thing I've done in my life so far, and thanks to Jenna's intuition, patience, kindness and encouragement, I've made it so much further than I ever thought possible"


"Jenna Mamorsky has a beautiful gift in her ability to make others feel seen and support them with genuine compassion and respect. I've been working with Jenna for more than three years and it is difficult to overstate how vital her continuous support and guidance have been to me. With clarity and groundedness, she has helped me navigate the most difficult years of my life. Wherever you are in life, I cannot recommend therapy with Jenna enough."


I have been working with Jenna for four years and I can not express how much she has had a positive impact on me. She is caring, compassionate, thoughtful, and patient. She has helped me through many changes in my life - both good and bad - and approaches each with support and grace. I recommend her whole heartedly to anyone who is in search or is questioning whether to start therapy for the first time like I was four years ago.


I’ve been working with Jenna for the past year. She helped me navigate a time of a lot of change, pain, and struggle. When I was often feeling lost and scared she would help me feel grounded, supported, and safe. This was my first encounter with therapy and I couldn’t feel better about working with Jenna. I feel continuously cared for, challenged, and encouraged in our work… and I feel at home. I look forward to continuing to work with her.